It's been leading on the education inspection framework ready for September 2019. We'd just like to welcome you all for taking the time to come and join us this evening. Just to let you know who else is in the room with me, I've got my colleague Julianne. Good evening Julia Morris, senior manager earlier the policy team. We also have colleagues on the line as well, so we have Kate. Kate, can you introduce yourself? Hi everyone, I'm Kate Mello. I run the Facebook page for Ofsted. Thanks Kate. Lillian's also on the line. Good evening Lillian. I'm Lillian Clear and now we're I'm a consultation and engagement team here and Ofsted. You'll hear that Lillian's internet connection isn't that strong because we lost you a little bit there. Okay, so just a little bit about the webinar this evening. We're really glad that so many of you are able to join us and because we want to let you know about the work that we've been doing to review and update our inspection framework. I'm sure you'll all be aware if you're following on the Facebook page that actually we're in a consultation period at this moment and would really encourage you to complete the consultation if you haven't done already. Okay, so one of the first questions we usually ask is around will we be able to access the slides that we're using this evening and absolutely, yes, you will. The webinars actually being recorded so that you'll also be able to access and play it back afterwards if you so wish, but you'll also get the slides. So here is an overview of what we want to cover this evening. We want to give you a bit about the background and the purpose of the consultation,...
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Ofsted meaning Form: What You Should Know
This includes the National Pupil Commission, the Standards in Schools Commission and the Care Quality Commission. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills is a British government department which provides information to schools and parents about their children's education. The department is responsible for the education of children from age five from the age of 16. This also includes setting, improving and monitoring standards of education and training. While the Department is independent of the UK government, it also falls under the remit of the Prime Minister. The department is currently led by David Laws. OUSTED Definition & Noun, English Wikipedia / (ˈɒfˌstɛd) / n noun : — Ousted meaning: The Office for Standards in Education, established in 2025 by the British government, to assess and evaluate the education, learning and health of all children and adults in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Also, definition: “Education” “Childcare” “Learning and health” “Cancer and diabetes” — Ousted Wikipedia The Office for Standards in Education for Children's Services and Skills, established in 2025 by the British government, is responsible for the provision of training and development for child and young people, both in the UK and internationally, on child and youth services. It also provides support to local authorities and other child and young people's services. OUSTED Definition & Noun, English Dictionary / (ˈɒfˌstɛd) / n noun : — Ousted definition: The Office for Standards in Education for Children and Young People, established in 2025 by the British government, is responsible for providing advice to local authorities on their responsibility and for supporting support to young people during difficult times. The organization also provides support to child and youth development agencies, schools, and youth-oriented charities. A separate section on young people's services was added in 2025 to the section on schools. — Ousted definition — Ousted Wikipedia The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ousted) is a government departments established in September 2025 with the first secretary being David Laws, now Director General of Schooling.
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