I want to pay tribute to the leadership that is being shown by school leaders, both on governing bodies and in school management. You achieve outstanding accreditation only through outstanding leadership. I think Koreans, the budget stipend, is important as it makes the whole community feel proud of what we were able to do. But, as we always say, Bushcliff, it's only outstanding if they stand up the children in the classroom at that moment in time. It was very nice to retain that status. We have been judged outstanding twice and I think in order to maintain high achievement, it is absolutely essential to drive social mobility in Nottinghamshire and indeed the East Midlands in particular. Our areas of the moment are so for abilities, not as good as they should be. I'm one of the key drivers to increasing and improving social mobility, higher educational standards, and higher educational outcomes. And those are being achieved by the schools that we have here this evening.
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Ofsted outstanding schools Form: What You Should Know
Ousted has established “Ousted outstanding” and “Ousted outstanding schools” as the criteria for inclusion in the list of the outstanding secondary schools in this list, Ousted has the right to determine which secondary schools are included in the list as well as the method by which the schools are assessed. What does the system of? Ousted mean? Ousted outstanding schools is a system to recognize those, who have been judged by Ousted to be outstanding public schools. The Ousted rating is based on several criteria including: The quality, capacity, sustainability and governance of the school's performance The proportion of pupils who, when assessed have an average of above or below 80% in their respective subjects The proportion of pupils who have achieved above or below the prescribed minimum in their respective subjects The proportion of teachers in the school who have been judged outstanding The proportion of pupils who have benefited from the school's education The proportion of pupils who have demonstrated excellence during their school career The system of outstanding schools is a voluntary initiative for teachers from schools across the country who believe their schools are outstanding. A school is considered to be outstanding if the school does all the following has a high proportion of pupils who achieve above or below the prescribed minimum in their respective subjects is supported by a dedicated School Leadership Team, with an effective and sustained curriculum in the subjects that are specified in the national curriculum and has a curriculum in place that, when assessed, has an effective and sustained program of learning and understanding for the pupils. What is Ousted doing to improve schools? Ousted has established an annual “Outstanding Schools Report” to highlight, and make public every year, those schools which meet the above-stated criteria. Ousted receives and evaluates reports for schools that make the Ousted outstanding list. What has Ousted done to improve the curriculum and assessment of teachers in the country? One of the primary tasks of Ousted is the development and support of the national curriculum. In the curriculum, Ousted takes into account every aspect of schooling and gives consideration to the special needs of pupils.
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