The Connecticut Office of Early Childhood is the state agency responsible for licensing child care centers and group child care homes. This presentation aims to help you understand the application process involved in opening a licensed childcare center or group child care home. Section one will address preparing to apply for licensure. Section two will address fee invoice forms, ownership affidavits, property history form, director and head teacher approvals, required local approvals, and enrollment and services provided. Section three will address schedule of operation, staffing including background checks, work schedules, organizational charts, and qualifications, as well as consultants and food service as applicable. Section four will address physical plant indoor space requirements, special considerations for infant and toddler space, water and radon testing requirements, and physical plant outdoor space requirements. Section five will address developing policies, plans, and procedures. Section six will address what to expect in your initial inspection. This section will help you decide which type of license to apply for and prepare you to begin your application. The Office of Early Childhood is a licensing agency for child care centers and group child care homes. We hope this presentation helps you understand the process of opening a licensed childcare program. Opening a licensed childcare program of any kind is an exciting endeavor that requires commitment and a clear understanding of providing quality childcare. Therefore, there are some questions you'll want to consider before starting this journey. For example, what inspires you to want to open a licensed childcare program? Is it your love for children? Your wish to provide a safe daily environment for children? Do you want to help families? Would you like to offer early care and education opportunities for children and families? Could this be a lucrative business opportunity for you? And will this...
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Application for daycare center Form: What You Should Know
What to do when applying for an age appropriateness permit · Sign the form (if applicable) · Add to their record · Pay an application fee and 3.00 for a child care permit ✓ See our Daycare Fee Waiver. How to get a child care permit ✓ Sign Application Form [PDF], and mail to your child care provider · Send to the address on the form, including all copies of the form mailed · See our Guide to Completing a Child Care Application for a child care provider or Daycare Registration How to file a Complaint against a Daycare Provider · Fill out a Complaint [PDF] (for parent, supervisor, or agent of a daycare provider or a caregiver who is no longer in business) ✓ Write your complaint on the back of the Complaint form and attach them to the Child Care Application form, along with the completed form(s) for child care provider. Daycare Complaint Form — Fillable PDF .pdf LICENSE APPLICATION and INSTRUCTIONS FOR TENTH The applicant for a fifth-grade child care and kindergarten entry license must be at least 13 years of age. If the applicant is at least 6 or older, the applicant must also be a guardian who is either at least 26 ½ years of age, or who is married or has a legal guardian of at least 24 years of age, or an employee of a child care system. In addition, the applicant's child care is at least 5 days' distance from the applicant's home, which must be an accessible location and provide appropriate care for preschoolers, children with disabilities, and school-age children. An applicant's child care is accessible if it has one of the following characteristics: • Accessible through an in-state network, or available only to out-of-state residents; • Has high-quality equipment used in a standardized manner that can be used by children 3 years of age and older in both daycare and kindergarten; • Has trained staff who are trained in providing child care.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Application for daycare center